Psoriasis has long been known to mankind. The Bible mentions it for the first time, but the causes of skin rashes are not yet fully understood. Scientists are trying to link this disease to complex disorders of the immune and endocrine systems and consider it hereditary. But absolute success was achieved in only one thing: it was a firm belief that this disease was not a manifestation of an infection in the body. That is, psoriasis is not contagious.
What is psoriasis?
Another name for this disease is scaly lichen. It mainly affects the scalp, the outside of the elbows and knees, where dark pink scaly rashes appear. Of these, psoriasis plaques form quickly. They have a distinctly white growth, consisting of dense scales that cause cracking in the affected areas, along with itching and the formation of leaking wounds. Although the causes of the rash are unclear, the mechanism of its onset is well known. With the onset of psoriasis, the life cycle of epidermal cells in these and adjacent areas decreases sharply to 4-5 days, as opposed to the normal 28-30 days.
Is Psoriasis Dangerous?
As its etiology is unclear, but there is convincing evidence that the disease is systemic, affecting not only the skin but also the internal organs, it leads to the following disorders in the body:
- appearance of psoriasis-like lesions on the mucous membranes of the urethra and bladder
- causes subacute conjunctivitis, lens sclerosis and other eye and eyelid diseases
- hepatic enlargement with hepatocellular insufficiency and splenomegaly is observed as the disease progresses
- enlarged lymph nodes
- have muscle weakness, their atrophy is prone to progressive weight loss
Complications leading to psoriasis can be listed for a long time, but this short list shows that the disease is severe and dangerous. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that currently therapeutic agents can only regulate, suppress or cure the course of the disease. Psoriasis can be persistent but can have long periods of remission.
What can cause the disease to get worse or trigger a relapse?
Although the manifestations of psoriasis are not systematic, there are factors that can trigger the appearance of skin rashes in different areas of the skin. Therefore, patients should be aware of this and, if possible, beware of its influence. The following conditions aggravate the course of the disease:
- Overweight. It can be observed that most of those with psoriasis suffer from varying degrees of obesity.
- Tension. Many patients notice that their psychological response to traumatic situations and circumstances exacerbates the manifestations of the disease.
- Some medications taken by a patient for a variety of reasons can cause relapse.
- Hypothermia.
- Damage and scratching of psoriatic plaques. It has been found that in the vast majority of cases, mechanical irritation of the scaly lichen causes its growth and the appearance of new rashes in nearby areas.
- aquatic processes. In some people, worsening of the course of the disease is observed after bathing or swimming in a pond.
- Sunbeams. Exposure to moderate sunlight in psoriasis is beneficial to doctors. But there are patients who claim that such baths cause the disease to get worse. In fact, no matter how long they were under the sun. Therefore, there is still no clear answer to the question of whether it is possible to sunbathe with psoriasis. To determine how useful or harmful sun exposure is in this case, several factors must be considered at the same time: individual sun tolerance, skin color and type, stage and shape of the disease.
Ultraviolet for psoriasis: benefit or harm

- Light therapy as a treatment for psoriasis:
- PUVA therapy is a photochemotherapy whose mechanism of action is rather difficult to understand. It is often used to treat exudative and vulgar psoriasis. Very effective for rashes on the scalp, palms and feet. 3-4 ultraviolet irradiations per week are prescribed until the complete disappearance of the psoriatic plaques. An average of 15-25 procedures are required, including local exposure sessions.
- SFT therapy is selective light therapy. For exudative and vulgar psoriasis, a maximum of 5 procedures per week are prescribed. The radiation dose is increased each time in the absence of erythema. Full cure - 20-30 times. It has a pronounced therapeutic effect in 85-90% of cases.
- UVB therapy is light therapy that is comparable in effectiveness to PUVA therapy. The process of treatment is 20-30 procedures.
Psoriasis and tanning beds: benefit or harm?
The main difference between tanning in the sun and tanning in the sun is that under artificial conditions the production of melanin is dangerous without ultraviolet radiation, especially UV-C radiation, which is harmful to the skin during sunbathing. Solariums do not use this type of radiation. However, in the early stages of the disease, artificial tanning helps to stifle the development of rashes. Therefore, doctors do not recommend the treatment of psoriasis with tanning beds, but do not find any contraindications to its use as a therapeutic agent.
The effect of radiation on the skin in a solarium
- UV-A rays have a beneficial effect on patients with psoriasis, seborrhea, acne, neurodermatitis.
- UV-B rays trigger the active production of vitamin D3, which reduces the effects of stress on the body and, as is well known, triggers psoriasis rashes.
Thus, a visit to the solarium should not negatively affect the course of the disease and to some extent dampen it. But then why are there people who are only harmed by artificial tanning? The answer is that the combination and wattage of the lamps in the solariums are different. When choosing a salon, it is worth asking about their spectral composition, one of the most important features. The lamps are designed with different combinations of UV-A and UV-B radiation. For example, those with UV-B 1% or less are classic and those above 1% UV-B are professional.

It is also important to have a reflector. If it is not present, the radiation reaches the skin weakened, if it is, it is concentrated. The reflector can be placed inside or outside the lamp itself. Whether or not there is a reflective layer in the luminaire, you can understand by looking at the lamp through the light. If it is, its radiation efficiency is 10% higher than conventional.
Therefore, in order for the treatment of psoriasis with a tanning bed to be beneficial and not harmful, it is necessary to select the right tanning studio with the right combination of UV radiation. Excessive amounts are always harmful to the skin, leading to the development of tumors and other ailments. The ratio of UV-A to UV-B rays is very important for patients with psoriasis. The best solution here would be the following combination: 311 nm long UV-B waves. and UV-A waves from 300 to 400 nm. This ratio of ultraviolet radiation has a Daavlin photo booth that gives a narrow-spectrum nbUVB of 311 nm light. Those who visit notice a sharp improvement in their condition. The duration of therapy is 20-30 times.
Hence the question: does a tanning bed help with psoriasis, we can answer boldly - yes. But it is important not to recklessly choose a studio close to home, but to inquire about the spectral characteristics of the lamps emitted in it. It is important to know that the vertical tanning mode is preferable to the horizontal tanning mode. The time spent in the cabin should not exceed 5-6 minutes and meetings should be rotated every other day. Moderate doses of UV rays strengthen the immune system. Which is extremely necessary for a patient with psoriasis.